Friday, November 4, 2011

Genesis or Nothing Like it :)

After much consideration and so many people saying that I should run for office because of my beliefs and stance of being a Husband, Father, Conservative, and Republican I have not decided to run, however, I have decided to combine my daily Political thoughts with my passion for cooking and eating as well as the everyday circus that I call my life now that I have joined the ranks of the unemployed and also the stay at home dad of a three year old.
It is funny how things for me have changed so drastically since moving to Florida! I have worked practically all of my life and I do count myself  very lucky. Considering the "Redneck" from Alabama or rather "A little bit country" would probably be a little better description, but I can say that I have tipped a cow, eaten many different types of wild animals, I do use the words ain't, reckon, and fixin in sentences and I can do it correct in the Grammatical sense, I even have used the word "Tump" in a sentence (For those of you it is a combination of tip and dump so you figure it out). I guess what I am trying to inflect to you is there is a large difference between being a little country and full blown redneck, and you don't necessarily have to live in the South for that to happen.

For those of you that know me, I am a very outgoing and passionate person, especially when it comes to my family, my career, my food and especially my Alabama Crimson Tide Football and definitely not least my Politics. I can be accused (but only accused) of being a little over the top when it has come to my FB postings and I have been accused of using Fox news sometimes a little to much but I will always tell you that my emotions do become a part of my postings but I always and I mean always try and use facts when I propose my arguments. I have become a big fan of Andrew Wilkow - he is on Patriot radio on Sirius Satellite radio and I love the fat that when he does a story he always, I mean always has the backup for what he discusses and I admire the crap out of that.

I would like to think with my new Blog that I will attempt to take my passion for politics, throw in a little football, a whole lot of food and a little bit of the day to day life that I am living till I hopefully find gainful  employment in the future, that is unless this becomes a phenomenon or my friend Michael Carroll comes through with my show for Bravo - and all I will say is that its a food show called, (wait for it) A Knight to Remember :). Yes I know its amazing and believe it or not we actually came up with the name while we were drinking in Las Vegas, so you know its gonna happen. Look out Tony Bourdain, Patrick Knight is coming for your time slot. Yes, yes I know but sometimes it never hurts to dream big.

Anyway, welcome to my life and I hope that any of you that actually decide to follow me get a kick out of it and I highly expect you to send your comments in about all of it as I would love to discuss anything that I post, especially my Political and Food views. Additionally I will try and put in my reviews from "Eating Tampa" my other blog or at least put a hyperlink in so that you can see it yourself. Mainly these are Tampa area restaurants but occassionally my Bride does ask me to come with her on some of her trips and we do still visit the Moynihan clan in Dublin at least once a year so there could actually be a few international postings as well.

So stay tuned as I will try to get something posted at least every other day.

PS. The Alabama/LSU game is tomorrow so I will tell you that there will probably not be another post till Sunday and I plan on the title of Sundays post to be "What it really means to be a Conservative".


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